GST Calculator - Cross check Your GST Bills Complete -list
Calculation Form---
- Enter Respective Values for each Field and define either you want to GST + or GST -
- If you find hard to type in the GST field then use the Tabs below Quantity field
- If you find that the result are small to your eyes then use the big result and navigate through each by using left and right buttons
- Use Clear button to clear everything
- Use Share button (The First Button) to share the whole calculation with the help of other apps
- Use Copy button (The Second Button) to copy the whole calculation
- Use Save button (The Third Button) to save the whole calculation to the History
- Use History button (The Last Button) to go to the History
- Change your location & language in Settings to get your native currency symbol
Calculation Cards--
- The text in purple is the Amount
- The text in either Green or Red is the GST%
- Green represents GST + and Red represents GST -
- The text next to GST % is GST Amount
- The text in Bold below GST% is Bill Amount
- The text after the word "Quantity:" is the quantity
- Use the Share button (Top) to share the calculation with the help of other apps
- Use the Copy button (Middle) to copy the calculation
- Use the Delete button (Bottom) to delete the calculation
- Click on the Calculation Card itself to edit/modify/override the calculation and it will take you to Calculation Form once again then modify it and hit the Save button to edit/modify/override the calculation
Total Card (The Bottom Card)--
- Use the Copy button (Left Button) to copy the whole History with its Total
- Use the Share button (Right Button) to share the whole History with the help of other apps
- The text in Blue (Top) is the Total Amount
- The text in Blue (Middle) is the Total GST Amount
- The text in Blue (Bottom) is the Total Bill Amount
- Press the Back button or do the appropriate gesture to back in your device to go to Calculation Form